President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving Her 2016 Opening Speech



Esteemed Guests, Dear Friends,

You, Our Valued Friends who have honored us by coming Here tonight to Celebrate the 22nd anniversary of our Universal Evening, on which we Call out to the Entire World with the Slogan "Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood", Be Welcome All of You, we feel graced by your presence.

The main Idea of All my speeches that I wrote for every November 1 evening until today, was approximately a summary of the years that had been experienced and of the morrows we were to experience. As I was Considering what I was going to write about this Year, what came to mind's eye were the events we are experiencing at Present and Humanity. How would I be able to explain to you all that we are going through? How would it be possible to explain the Reason for the Chaos that our planet is going through, while struggling to survive in difficulties both material and immaterial? A Major Part of our World does not Know Yet, that the events that are being experienced at present and all that is happening are taking place within a program as a chain of cause and effect.

Recently, a sentence like the following has drawn our attention at some places: "Nobody can do anything about it. For, this is the Command of the Skies." Well then, who is it who wrote this? For this is not a statement to be made without reservation.

Though we consider our Selves to be a Free Spirit and Free Awareness at Present, we are as yet Oblivious of even the Source of Thought. Considering that in Every Period Thoughts are taking a course parallel to Public Consciousnesses, Our Consciousnesses most Naturally take certain Questions into effect automatically.

Besides numerous Human Consciousnesses who claim at the moment that in the Void that Envelops our World, there is no life Anywhere else but on our World, our World Still Continues Its research on the Scientific path. Humanity has come to hear the Voice of the Skies for the first time with the Sacred Books that were descended to our World through the mediation of the prophets. Who are the ones, who had these Books dictated? How did it come about, that we hold on to Our Allah with our being, though we do not See him and do not Know about Him but only believe In him? Though Humanity has moved on from century to century many times they still employ the Sacred Books as a Taboo and exercise their duties merely in Form without ever reading, without understanding the perfect Knowledge therein.

So All the Chaos that is being experienced originates from certain Human Consciousnesses of valuing any other Consciousnesses besides their own Consciousnesses and Always Holding their own Consciousness in the foreground. In order for all these undesirable events to be prevented, İt is the Human who has to be taken in hand first. And this will come to happen through Science and Education. The human who experiences his Own Chaos within will most naturally reflect this chaos also without. The Human, however, who has Integrated with Himself and has thus made Peace with Himself also gets hold of the Consciousness of Self-Criticism, he will come to understand the perfect language of the Sacred Books.

Learning and Science are the two Factors that Educate the Human. Education through Learning Bears the Frequency of Alpha. Scientific Education Bears the Frequency of Beta. In Alpha the Essence-Heart is prevailing, in Beta, the Intellect. The Alpha Frequency educates the human. The Beta Frequency renders the Human Conscious. All the Sacred Books bear the Frequency of Alpha. There is no Stopping or Cessation in Evolution and in Education. This is a path that extends to Infinity. Humanity who remains only In the Alpha Consciousness is adding their own thoughts to the Knowledge they receive, thus shedding a shadow also on the perfection that is Expected of Us by the Sacred Books. Scientific education opens to the human the path of Consciousness and Thought. Here one reaches the Truth through analysis - synthesis and research. Those who bear the Consciousness of discrimination among humans can never be able to move on from Alpha Consciousness to Beta Consciousness, they will Remain on the spot where they are.

At the moment Humanity Is on the eve of a Selection and our World Is experiencing the Resurrection that was Mentioned in the Sacred Books. We are treading our path in a steadfast pace, believing and Knowing that, beyond this Pessimistic Tableau that is being experienced at present, one day the Sun will Rise In All Its splendor.

With My Love and Regards.



President Mrs. Vedia Bülent (Önsü) Çorak Giving Her 2016 Opening Speech

The Panelists of the Year 2016

The Award Winners of 2016